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A purpose-built development experience for cloud based applications

$ npm install -g @monadahq/wing
Easy to Use

Designed for Developers

Wing is built with developers in mind to provide the best experience for building cloud applications. A three pronged attack of the WingLang, WingSDK, and Wing Console provides a complete solution that allows cloud developers to be their most productive.

Focus on What Matters

Cloud Agnostic

Good design says you should delay implementation details as long as possible. With traditional cloud development you have to pick your cloud provider first, choosing your implementation before you've design anything. With Wing you get back to designing your solution before writing it. Design first, build next, choose your cloud provider last. Get back to good system design.

Powered by React


The Wing language, or Wing, is designed to maximize developer productivity. Similar to Typescript and other C-style languages, it is easy to learn, yet powerful for building cloud-based applications by treating the cloud as a first class citizen, re-integrating infrastructure and application back into one codebase.

Powered by React

Wing SDK

The WingSDK enables developers to focus on the unique logic of their application rather than spending time wiring together services. Building off the power of the CDK and construct-based APIs, combined with a standard library for interacting with their cloud resources, WingSDK allows developers to return their focus back to the unique problem they need to solve.

Powered by React

Wing Console

Developing for the cloud has required deploying to the cloud to do testing. This can drastically slow down developer productivity as it takes an order of magnitude more time to deploy and test applications in the cloud than it does to test locally. The Wing Console provides developers with a fully WingSDK-compliant local environment, testing, and monitoring tools for Wing applications. This allows developers to regain the speed and productivity that was lost when applications shifted to the cloud.